“Shouldn’t finding a plumbing, home repair or lawn care service be easier?"

We work constantly to ensure that our customers are receiving the best services at the best prices.

How It Works

Laugh at how easy it is !

Communicate with your service providers and schedule jobs—all within the app!

  • Create an account
  • Enter information about the type of service needed, expected price, date of service, etc.
  • Receive notifications when a service provider accepts your request

After confirming a service, you won’t have to guess what time your house painter will show up. In the iLafe app, you can see their arrival progress, receive an ETA, and know for certain right when they’ll show up at your door.

If you have yet to book your requested service, you’ll receive notifications when a service is requested near you, allowing you to schedule a service for the same day with confidence that they will arrive in a timely manner!

Our Product

At iLafe, you can find the right person, schedule the right time and pay the right price.